Strawberry Marshmallow (Ichigo Mashimaro) is a Japanese manga series by Barasui about the adventures of four elementary school girls and their older sister-figure. It began serialization in ASCII Media Works' manga magazine Dengeki Daioh in 2002. In 2005, the series was adapted into an anime series and a PlayStation 2 video game. Three original video animation (OVA) episodes were later released from February to April 2007. Another two-episode OVA project titled Strawberry Marshmallow Encore was released in 2009. There is an unrelated manga titled Ichigo Mashumaro.
Genre: | Adventure |
Release Month: | 8 |
Release Year: | 2005 |
Developer: | Media Works |
Publisher: | Media Works |
Serial: | SLPS-25546 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |